Our goal is to craft compelling project opportunities that attract like-minded investors and joint venture partners to deliver successful projects.

Kaizen’s joint ventures are uniquely advantageous because we are developers at heart. We approach project with a deep understanding of the risks and opportunities involved in property development.

Comprehensive Risk Management Framework

All potential developments are thoroughly assessed using Kaizen’s proprietary feasibility models, backed by comparable sales in the selected suburb with the aim to compare at least last 5 years of sales and provide its Joint Venture Partners with comprehensive suburb analysis and comprehensive feasibility report.

  • Kaizen independently assesses the credit risk, financial position, experience, and quality standards for each builder prior to accepting them on to the panel of accredited builders.

  • Contractual risk with builders and other consultants is managed using Standardised Contracts and liability risk coverage for all services including Fixed Price and Time Building Contracts supported by Bank Guarantees and payment retentions as well as warranty liability.

  • Kaizen has established an accredited panel of Engineers, Architects, Surveyors, Real Estate Agents and other consultants for use by each project to ensure Kaizen’s standard terms of engagement and quality control standards are maintained.

Kaizen uses its own thorough process to analyse potential risks and conducts full comprehensive due diligence to de-risk potential projects. Our strategy is highly focused on mitigating building risk, fixing building prices, minimising development time and maximising sales price reliability for each development. We conduct thorough due diligence and engage high quality and credible professionals for our projects in line with our Risk Management Framework.

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